Free members only able to view limited members Information. To view others contact information you must have to be paid member. 

After submitting full profile informatin it will be screening by customer care. Sometimes it may be at queue, after activation you will receive confirmation email and notification.

For any queries, feel free to contact us.

To access the site properly, viewers must be needed to be registered as a member.The registration form has appeared with some fields such as First Name, Last Name, Phone/Email, Password etc. By clicking the “Sign Up” button viewers will accept the terms & conditions of the site.
  1. Login to the Member panel.
  2. Then go to the left navigation bar and click on the Packages > Packages or from the top click on the Premium Plans.
  3. Choose your desired Package and click on the Purchase This Package button.
  4. Select your payment gateway.
  5. If you choose a manual payment method then insert Transaction ID, Payment proof, and Payment details.
Finally, Click on the Confirm Button.
You can retrieve your Password by clicking on Forgot Password link in Sign In page and enter your E-mail ID. Your E-mail should be the one given in your profile.

Auto Profile Match is a feature that helps you define your ideal spouse and set your suitability criteria. With this feature you would receive information about members suiting your expectations regularly.

Login using your e-mail ID and 'Password.'

Go to Members page or do a search.

You can also Opt for viewing full profile.

You will find options to ignore profile.

If your marriage has been arranged through our service and you want to share your success story with us, then login to your account, goto Dashboard to add it onto our site. Your success story is a motivation to us as well as our members. So please do add your story and marriage photograph to our list of success stories.